United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, comprising four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland also make up Great Britain. The capital is London. The OFFICIAL LANGUAGE is English. The MONEY is Pound sterling. The British are the creation of waves of invaders and migrants, especially Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, and Normans. One of the most famous landmarks in the UK is a ring of standing stones, called Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire. About its construction there are many legends: THE LEGEND OF DANCING GIANTS, THE LEGEND OF THE DEVIL and THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR. Stonehenge is a British cultural icon and in 1986 UNESCO added it in the list of World Heritage Sites. In England and Scotland there are many lakes, called lochs, and some are very deep. A Legend says that a giant monster, called Nessie, lives in Loch Ness, in Scotland, and every year many people go t...