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Saint Augustine

St Augustine Augustine of Hippo was a Christian theologian and philosopher. He is considered one of the most important Christian thinker. St Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo (modern day Algeria) in Numidia (Roman province of Africa). He is the most well known Christian Church Father. He wrote works like Confessions and City of God . Early Life : Augustine was born in 354 AD in Thagaste (Algeria). His father Patricius was a pagan, but his mother Monica was a believed Christian. Augustine studied first in school at Madaurus and then in Carthage. During this time, he lived a happy life and followed Manichaean religion. Augustine decided to live as a priest when he was 31. Conversion to Christianity and Life as a Preacher : In 386 AD, Augustine converted to Christianity. He was baptized with his son, Adeodatus in 387, like he told in his work, Confessions. In 388, Augustine returned to Africa. His mother Monica died and after ...